Preventing Motor Oil Smell on Dishes: Tips for Washing Car Parts in the Dishwasher
Washing car parts in the dishwasher can be a convenient and effective way to clean them. However, it can also lead to the unpleasant issue of your dishes smelling like used motor oil. This is a common problem faced by many car enthusiasts who prefer to clean their car parts at home. But don’t worry, there are several ways to prevent this from happening. In this article, we will provide you with some useful tips on how to wash your car parts in the dishwasher without leaving a motor oil smell on your dishes.
Why Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Motor Oil?
When you wash car parts in your dishwasher, the motor oil and other automotive fluids can get trapped in the dishwasher’s filter or drain, causing a lingering smell. These fluids can also leave a residue on the dishwasher’s walls and racks, which can transfer to your dishes during subsequent washes.
How Can I Prevent This?
There are several steps you can take to prevent your dishwasher and dishes from smelling like motor oil after washing car parts.
- Pre-clean Your Car Parts: Before putting your car parts in the dishwasher, pre-clean them with a degreaser or a solution of warm water and dish soap. This will help remove most of the motor oil and other fluids, reducing the amount that ends up in your dishwasher.
- Run a Separate Wash Cycle: After washing your car parts, run a separate wash cycle with dishwasher detergent and a cup of white vinegar. The vinegar will help to break down any remaining oil and remove the smell.
- Clean Your Dishwasher Regularly: Regularly cleaning your dishwasher can also help to prevent a motor oil smell. Pay special attention to the filter and drain, where oil and other fluids can get trapped.
Are There Any Risks to Washing Car Parts in the Dishwasher?
While washing car parts in the dishwasher can be convenient, it’s not without risks. The high heat and harsh detergents used in dishwashers can damage some car parts, especially those made of rubber or plastic. Additionally, motor oil and other automotive fluids can be harmful if ingested, so it’s important to ensure that all traces are removed before using your dishwasher for dishes again.
Washing car parts in the dishwasher can save you time and effort, but it’s important to take steps to prevent a motor oil smell on your dishes. By pre-cleaning your parts, running a separate wash cycle, and regularly cleaning your dishwasher, you can keep your dishes smelling fresh and clean.